It’s been a while so I’ll get to the point fast. As you probably figured out changing your life is NOT as easy as learning the latest strategy from an internet guru.
The key is what I have been working on for the last 12 months. Only I didn’t know how to share it before.
You see, if you want something badly enough. Why the hell isn’t it as simple as executing the thing?
I experienced dread every time I had to work on my book. When I came to write I would sit with a blank screen and all my ideas now seemed worthless.
I was overcome with imposter syndrome and convinced I was destined for another 9-5 job. Cue procrastination….
– Doom scrolling,
– Finding any life admin task
Everyone’s advice is to follow their business model.
But this only works to a point. If you are designing your life in default mode. You are wired to repeat the same actions in the same way, giving you the same results.
The output, the results and the enthusiasm are all.. mediocre.
Yet you know that you have potential.
The problem is that internally you have your foot on the brake pedal at the same time as the gas.
You can never access your full potential while you let the default mode mind run your life.
You need your FLOW Self.
but… maybe you think as I did, ‘I’m just not as good enough, I need to change WHO I am?’.
Let’s unpack this…
You know deep down who you want to become, but still act as you are.
The honest truth:
You are listening to the ego and letting default mode run your life.
And the truth is this future best version of you – is already there!
Let me explain.
When you clear your mind of default thoughts, you probably already know the next right action.
Without limits.
Accessing your Flow self gives you the energy and creativity. Changing your life and results.
These are five things you need to stop doing right now to start accessing this bigger part of you:

5 things to STOP doing to change your life
1. Stop thinking of your future self as someone else
Your Future Self IS YOU
Embody your highest standards and your unique strengths.
I call this Flow Self.
2. Stop blaming everything
Stop telling yourself it would be better if the sun were shining.
Stop focusing on what you can’t control.
You are giving away your power.
“The moment you accept responsibility for EVERYTHING in your life is the moment you can change ANYTHING in your life.” -Hal Elrod
An edit to Hal’s words:
A wise person lets go of everything they can’t control but accepts responsibility for what they can.
Too often we miscategorise the two. Your time, focus and energy are more your control than you think.
There is immense power in finally accepting personal responsibility.
Since having kids I would catch myself saying if I didn’t have to take them swimming twice a week I’d have written my book by now. The problem is not that I don’t have time.
When I had pockets of time I didn’t write my book. I found other ‘stuff’ to do. I got honest.
The lesson:
At the end of your life, you can’t blame other people, for all of the things, YOU didn’t do.
3. Stop measuring outcomes outside your control
In early-stage businesses, many people don’t hit revenue goals.
It’s demoralising.
If you focus on your inputs. What you are creating. What you are doing each day. Who you are serving. It’s fulfilling even for its own sake. The point is, measure this:
What are you bringing to the world?
Then the magic happens.
4. Stop burning out each day
Hustle culture is a fool’s game.
Einstein took long breaks advocating for imagination. Without the space between activities, how can you create something beyond your current reality?
To get out of default mode you must create time and space.
5. Stop listening to every thought – they are not real
They do not define you, they are NOT WHO you are.
Many manifestation books guilt you for thinking negative thoughts. But the truth is that you do not need to worry.
Simply observe the thought, be curious about its reasoning, but act from your superconscious Flow Self.
We can’t achieve fulfilment from the confines of our minds. In the modern world, you need to navigate uncertainty and have mental flexibility, this can only come from our Flow self.
This is your world – not the one in your head.
Go and connect with reality through a wider lens.
Thanks for reading,
Sue Parker
Serving you with a dose of personal development, lifestyle & business strategy for a fulfilling life.