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The Great Resignation & The Future of Work

The COVID pandemic spurred the great resignation with record numbers have been leaving their jobs. This is also being called the great quit, or the great reshuffle. Maybe you too are part of this trend or would like to leave. If this is you, you are not alone! Impact of the great resignation In fact […]

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The COVID pandemic spurred the great resignation with record numbers have been leaving their jobs. This is also being called the great quit, or the great reshuffle. Maybe you too are part of this trend or would like to leave.

If this is you, you are not alone!

Impact of the great resignation

In fact so much so that the balance between supply and demand for jobs has become uneven which is why we are seeing pay rise hicks and companies really evaluate the need for every employee.

Why are people leaving their jobs?

With the pandemic a lot of people have reflected on what they want and expect from work.

Having a pause from normal routine gave us time to reevaluate our lives. Getting to know ourselves and going deep to answer questions like what do we really want from life.

Many of us were awoken to the unnecessary commute and traditional hours. The presentism no longer mattered except to service micro management, production and some service roles like food.

The COVID pandemic shows us that we can work with location freedom. Imagine living in a place where you’re not tied to a convenient office commute.

A total shift in work life balance emphasising the importance of living. Having the freedom and flexibility to create the live you want.

Not least that as parents we battle with childcare, the freedom to attend sports days and simply take care of the basics.

Put this with low annual wage rises and long lasting job dissatisfaction and you have great resignation on mass. As we go in search of meaningful work, following passions and a sense of purpose.

The number one mistake we are making

Thinking we can solve the problem by side stepping job to job. Tempted by more money and a slightly more flexible working pattern.

Or on the the more courageous end of the spectrum. Throwing away all your talents and skills to embark on a completely new career without much research.

But wait what should I do if I want to resign?

Start by evaluating what you want for your life. I truly believe because I have seen this for myself.

I spent years side stepping my career unfulfilled and then went for a promotion that felt like the right move. And quickly became trapped in a life I hated. With no control, no time and massive financial commitments.

I’d believe we all need to take the time to get in touch with your true self. Once you’ve stopped focusing on all the things you don’t want! Start to journal all the important things you want to be, to do and to have. Then you have your life’s masterpiece.

Download the dream life workbook to get started.

The Future of work

How the world of work is changing

The good news if you’ve had this breakthrough is that the future of work is changing.

On the employer side, the pandemic helped them scale back to necessities. Cost cutting, skeleton staff and the drive towards being lean. Automation and tech like AI has continued to advance this. With many companies are now planning how they can hire less and outsource when projects pop up.

Use of freelance skills allows particularly growing companies to scale up and down resource as they need it. Which is why we are seeing a growing number of freelance services in sectors previously in house. I know product owners, project managers, business analysis and digital strategy all now as freelance and consultative roles.

Even the most unlikely roles can be outsourced.

The Entrepreneurial Age

You might have noticed a surge in the number of people are becoming entrepreneurs. In fact a record number of new businesses were registered in 2021, 21% higher than the year 2019. (UK

Further evidence shows that Google searches for How to start a business, for the first time ever outrun searches for How to get a job!

Spurred by the Millennials and Gen-Z generation from dissatisfaction or delusionment from an out dated traditional career.

Even consumers are shifting to independent specialists. With the exception of Amazon’s roaring success, there is a lot of dissatisfaction with the superstore and corporate models driven by profits.

People buy from people. We want to work specifically with those people. To feel connected and trust the people we buy from. And so is born the entrepreneurial age.

The traditional 9-5 has been in place over 100 years and born out of a need to service production lines. The new model takes a lifestyle approach. Hours maybe flexible, dictated by you and at a time to suit customers.

And the technology means you can serve digitally to anyone around the world. In some cases completely passively.

The revolution of work

Talk about feeling purposeful, having an impact, getting to use all your skills, dictate your hours and build a business that works for your life.

The time is now!

Be an early adopter and drive the revolution of work.

Sue x

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