
How to build a social media following for your business

July 14, 2022

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I'm Sue!


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I am an writer, speaker, trainer and founder. As a former tech leader & IT teacher turned entrepreneur, I now teach online business, strategy, mindset and financial freedom.

Whether you love it or loath it, becoming an expert influencer, can be made easier if you build a social media following. And it’s one of the biggest FREE marketing techniques to leverage.

I don’t know about you but I’m perfectly comfortable with recording a podcast, giving a talk or writing a blog. But put me anywhere near social media and I have massive attack of self doubt and imposter syndrome.

I’m not sure if It’s a limiting belief, or the comparison game. I feel like an outsider not in the ‘In’ crowd . That everyone has a tonne of friends & followers.

Or that every time I go on instagram. Everyone has this picture perfect life. The most beautiful images, that are so professional and filtered. Makes me want to give up before even starting.

If there are four things I’ve learnt on this journey is that you can’t just show up whenever you feel like t you have to ….

Adopt the habits for success & build a social media following


The number one habit of success is consistency. Showing up when others don’t. And working the long game. Just have your own schedule and be consistent.

Authentic Voice

It’s also about getting started so you can lose the corporate professional voice and find your authentic voice. You know back when I was running Empowered leaders in tech I’d write linked in posts like a professional work email.

Amelia Sordell quickly said to me, connect in conversation by writing how you talk. Human to human, be real and authentic. If you’re trying to lose the corp voice, get started and start to lose the mask. Rob Moore talks about removing your sensor.

Avoid Randomness

When I first started to post it was so sporadic and so every topic was worlds apart. Brendon Burchard would describe me as random. I learnt to define key content pillars. Just as you have topics for your blog. Then run each new idea against them. The things you want to be known for, not everything or anything.

Be Sociable

Amelia Sordell said her interview on The Freedom Project Podcast, lots of us forget it’s not like old school advertising on bill boards. You need to be sociable. Reply to comments, respond to other’s posts, DMs and create a community.

Questions about social media

Now after delivering tonnes of speaking engagements, being a guest on loads of podcasts and hosting my own. I figure it’s about time I practise what I preach… that’s why I’ve given myself a challenge.

Are you thinking what I was:

  • Which social media sites should I be on?
  • Do I need to be on all platforms?
  • How often should I post?
  • And what should I even post about?

What should I post to build a social media following?

Let’s Get Visible Challenge!

I have been stuck in an anlaysis poralysis for so long that I set myself a summer Let’s Get Visible challenge. And I want you to do this too!

Everyday for 30 days to build momentum we will post on social media, building a following and clients. I even created a FREE 30 day content plan to share.

Get accountability, encouragement and imagine how you will feel in 30 days when you have built momentum for your following. You’re getting engagement, feedback, subscribers and more.

Which Social Media Platforms Should I use?

The Stats on Social Media

Linked in have 310m active monthly users – 690 m in total. Yet only 3m share content on linked in. Unlike other platforms it’s not saturated.

Tik Tok – has had rapid growth 142% yoy in 2021. With more and more older demographics joining.

Instagram continues to be a favourite among women.

Facebook – the algorithm keeps changing and I’m not sure your audience gets to see your posts as often as you’d like. I’ve seen professionals run lives in their groups that don’t even appear to members of the group without them have a direct link and reminder.

Meanwhile Pinterest grew 7.8% in 2022 which is in the top 3. Due to the way pinterest works I’m putting it into the evergreen content category. So I’ll start a strategy there when we’ve established the blog. podcast and youtube channel.

Do I need to be on all platforms?

What do the experts say?

Gary Vaynerchuk is one of my go to experts when it comes to marketing and communication.. I’m not sure he needs an intro but if you google Gary V you’ll be sure he knows his stuff. He’s always telling is that there are

“an enormous amount of people watching right now,”

Gary Vaynerchuk

You don’t need to be on all platforms but you really need to be on places that are growing and your target audience are growing. It’s always better to be really really good at one thing before having a social media presence and doing everything badly.

My Social Media Strategy

I wanted to share my strategy to build a social media following in case you’re looking for some validation on your own ideas. But really the trick is just to start and really stick with something for a long time, learning from other influencers until you make it work.

I’ve decided to engage with DMs on Instagram. I love the fact that I can post a quick inspirational quote. And when networking with women in business I find so many of us instead of business cards we go Instagram to connect. So it’s kind of my business besties version of linked in.

When it comes to sharing content I’m getting all over Tik Tok.

Why? The reach is based on interests. I don’t need 3 million followers or to be an influencer already. I can be authentically me… a little raw and honest in this space.

Let the social media posts be the ‘amuse-bouche’ to everything you do.

Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary Vee always says, let the social media posts be the ‘amuse-bouche’ to everything you do. I think we get stuck in analysis paralysis curating long perfect posts. Always making sure we add lots of value and give everything in one short clip. We forget this is a taster and they can contact you for more.

When Should I to post?

Know your customers, know when they engage and that’s when you should post. The best way to get into the minds of your ideal customer is to know their routines better than they do.

How long does it take to grow a social media following?

According to statista instagram accounts with less than 1K followers will grow 9.4% over 6 months on average.

Expect it may be a slow burn, as with everything there is no overnight success, but one day you might hit that viral video. There are strategies to go faster and we’ll definitely talk about these!

What to Expect

Here’s the thing, I’m being realistic and so should you. For everything we start we’re an apprentice. Learning and failing all the time. In the past I’d try a channel, get disheartened and give up.

The goal will never change but the strategy will

Sue Parker

Even influencers with 10k-10m followers are sharing what they did and that’s now old hat.

We’ve got to listen and learn. That’s why I’m doing this challenge on a new platform with a business I’ve never taken to these channels before. So that together we will build at least 1K raving fans in the next 6 months. From here we’ll launch your services. And generate sales. In a lifestyle business where all the system set up, means that technology & automation gives you back time.

This content plan takes the biggest influencer’s posts and translates this into a workable schedule that creates a balance of connection, trust, motivation and teaching.

Next steps:

I have no doubts we have a great summer and have more questions, like:

  • How to grow a social media following in 2022?
  • What to post to get more followers faster?
  • How to use hashtags?
  • How can I become an influencer?
  • Getting started with collaboration?

And we will answer these too…

For now I want you to commit to doing the Let’s Get Visible 30 Day Content Challenge, the future you will thank you.

Sue x

Lifestyle Design, Business Strategy and Mindset for solo entrepreneurs & freelancers.

Sue parker

© sue parker 2025  |  Live more, Create more, Earn more





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