There are times when you need to calm overwhelming stress that has become like an all consuming tidal wave. In the weeks where you feel like all you do is firefight, you’re not making the progress, you’re getting sucked into constant battles. These can be paralyzing as you enter flight or freeze mode, as your […]
How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Other Entrepreneurs and Feeling Jealous [EP39] We’re talking taboo subjects here.. comparing yourself to others and feeling jealous! Do you ever find yourself being triggered by other people’s seeming success and experiencing feelings of envy and jealousy? I know hard to admit publicly right. In this episode I wanted […]
In my journey to becoming an entrepreneur, it’s been a roller coaster of internal emotions and mindset challenges. In this show I wanted to share 7 powerful mindset changes that I’ve worked on, journaled my way and been coached through in becoming a successful entrepreneur. So that you can know you’re not alone and confidently […]
What is a domain name? The domain name is simply the web address for your website. For example,,,, are all domain names. What’s a domain name extension? This is the top level domain extension after the dot, for example .com,, .team, .io, .club, .biz, .org etc. So which domain extension […]
Creating Connection with your audience is your secret weapon. When you’re starting your own business and trying to build an audience it can be too easy to forget you’re a human. That above all else all people want to feel understood. When we feel connection to another our emotions do the buying for us. Yet […]
Have you ever felt your confidence take a beating just in the moments when you could do with an instant confidence boost? Like when you’re about to attend a networking event, a conference or go live. Wouldn’t it be incredible if you could just summon the confidence whenever you need it to clear the brain […]
Every entrepreneur, side-hustler or mumpreneur needs some good productivity habits to become outrageously productive and that’s just our topic today! Ever caught yourself wishing you had more time, but at the same time feeling guilty because you didn’t make the most of what you had. It’s the most precious resource yet you might have spent […]
Entrepreneurs, new mums, side hustlers, overwhelm is real for all of us, learning how to deal with overwhelm, will help you out your entire life. Ok so this weekend I had a total meltdown. To get you up to speed, I’m now expecting our third baby and it’s the moment I decided that I want […]
9 Months in the making – today I make an announcement… WE’RE EXPECTING OUR 3RD BABY But the biggest takeaway (aside from the celebrations)… Is how we can all use these moments as triggers to make the massive changes, take the big action and make them transformational? Just how having a baby can trigger you […]
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