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7 Things to do before leaving your 9-5 job

August 17, 2022

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I'm Sue!


Build your life by design

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Take what you know, earn more and live with purpose. 

I am an writer, speaker, trainer and founder. As a former tech leader & IT teacher turned entrepreneur, I now teach online business, strategy, mindset and financial freedom.

Do you dream of escaping the rat race, ditching your boss and a 9-5 to work when you want. To do what feels purposeful, break the glass ceiling and do work that works for your life? you might be questioning how did I get here? Questioning your career choices 

Yes perhaps every New Year comes and you set a goal, but it’s never really happened. Perhaps like me you have responsibilities that mean you can’t just quit. It’s not sensible, your parents think you’re crazy. 

Well the truth is the world has changed and companies don’t even know what they want an employee for anymore. We’re entering the entrepreneurial age. So you either grow into what could be the most exciting wonderful life of your dreams, crafted by you. we ned to erase everything that was real and true – even in a job you need to be doing half this stuff. 

Or continue in an outdated world, where many businesses are outsourcing , freelancing or really asking how do I automate?

The arguments for work life balance and flexibility are just too many, Not to mention the glass ceiling, lack of equality and unspent potential in a single job.

I know you can create something more fulfilling, the great resignation trend has shown records numbers of peoples searching flexible jobs and design or starting small businesses in record numbers. 

How to escape your 9-5 job

I’ve had many failed attempts, but here’s my approach for how to escape the 9-5 job. Having had mansO what do you need to do before being ready to take that leap. 

1. Know your passion, purpose and vision /mission

I talk about this a lot. But considering how many of use literally were rail roaded into careers we don’t love simply because of the pretext that you should do x, y ,z this transition has got to be the think that motivates you intrinsically. Especially because in the beginning there is no financial reward. You do it simply because you want to. It feels right. You can visualise a dream so compelling you love what you do and get to use all your talents. 

Not just the slither – if you can’t creativity do it now

Explore – test it out try int in. For ages I wanted to empower women in corporate leadership I felt so frustrated for them. I could see so much unused unseen potential;/ But after coaching for a couple of years I became so disillusioned by the system, Some amazing women were treated badly. Even when they had dreams roles, I felt that they could be doing so much more with the freedom they deserved. The pay gap is very real, the glass ceiling hard to penetrate and then they’re proving themselves over and over. I wanted to say enough, how do we create our own futures, one that allows true equality. That’s where the freedom project and all the business and mindset work comes from. 

2.Find support & accountability

Have accountability/ your masterminds the go to person or people for support. This is where mastermind seats make for the best intro

3. Address the fear of failure & success mindset 

You might be thinking hey sue not a checkbox no but without it you’ll hit the first bump in the entrepreneurial journey give up and run back to a Job you hate. 

Have you heard the story of the captain who took his army to an island to fight. As they disembarked he ordered the ships be burnt down. Now what were their options? If they were losing they couldn’t simply board the ships and leave. So they won the battle. 

Sometimes a back up place, one foot half expecting to fail, not really believing is what holds us back. 

It’s like a foot on the break and the gas at the same time. we’re never making progress, If you fail you learn you find another way. 

4. Create content

around your topic, if you love it you will love it even more. but this leads to two key things:

  1. becoming an influencer in your niche, a go to expert with credibility -uou’ll be valued more when you do take the leap and have built a critical personal brand– les doing and more ideas based as you go – known for something unique
  2. is onto point three – you will create a following

5. Build a following/ create 1k raving fans

Technically this number can be anything, the point is having an audience makes everything fall into place. You have people routing for you, people to serve, ask questions, survey and sell to. Love these people like your tribe, your community and they will always want to support you over the competition 

6. Make a low ticket sale / small product or service

Create a product or service low ticket value that meets one of your audiences biggest needs. even if it’s a intro level product. A template, a book, a short training series. Can you sell it for £20 to this audience? 

If not don’t give up remember learn, rinse and repeat – go again and again. 

When you do, save that very first sale and milestone – print it off and stick it on your wall to remind you of the success and possibility, 

7. Finances

Two things to do before you leave your 9-5.

  1. Have your peace of mind fund and take off the pressure, for everyone this is different
  2. Know your sales forecast – how many sales per day, week, month for each quarter, and year in a 5 year plan. Knowing this will help you grow. Not works for nothing and keep striving for your targets.

I know you can do this!

Sue xx

Lifestyle Design, Business Strategy and Mindset for solo entrepreneurs & freelancers.

Sue parker

© sue parker 2025  |  Live more, Create more, Earn more





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