
Why you should start now

August 8, 2022

Strategic productivity
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I'm Sue!


Build your life by design

Let's get started

Take what you know, earn more and live with purpose. 

I am an writer, speaker, trainer and founder. As a former tech leader & IT teacher turned entrepreneur, I now teach online business, strategy, mindset and financial freedom.

I was literally stuck in no man’s land. Neither loving what I had nor doing anything about it. 

Yet I’d procrastinate over starting anything. I knew for many years how to start. But I made thousands of excuses why I shouldn’t? Do you do that?

I’m not ready I’d say, I need to wait until I’ve completed this course. Until after Christmas. And then my idea was stupid, everyone thinks I should stay with my day job.

So many times I wish I had someone who would give it to me straight and motivate me to take action and create my business. 

This might sound harsh but I feel like it’s my role to challenge you. 

Life is so unbelievably short. I don’t want you to get into old age regretting the things you never had the courage to do. 

And because I’m all about practicalities, I share;

  • One thing you must STOP doing and 
  • One thing to START doing

Stop Saying YES

Stop saying yes to everything. Learn how to politely decline anything that doesn’t get you closer to your goals.

Start to Block time

Time block the time everyday until it becomes habitual. This will become your protected business time

Whatever your blockers are, drop me a mail sue@sueparker.io. Tell me what will you stop and when is your block time. Start getting accountable.

Let me be that cheerleader for you. Even when you’re thinking what the hell do I do next?
Know that following your own path, is following your inner guiding compass and will never serve you wrong.

Sue xx

Lifestyle Design, Business Strategy and Mindset for solo entrepreneurs & freelancers.

Sue parker

© sue parker 2025  |  Live more, Create more, Earn more





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