For a business that allows you to live your dream life. A clear vision helps focus your mind on the destination and every action conscious and subconscious will find a way to help you there.
On the entrepreneurial journey it can sometimes feel like walking into the unknown. Without a clear vision it’s no surprise that when you sit down to write that blog post, you can feel lost. And quickly find yourself in ‘busy’ work. Developing a clear vision is when you have the ultimate clarity in what and most importantly why you need to take inspired action.
With the clarity, comes a sense of calm. A connection to everything that aligns with your vision. When you know this so well, you can rely on intuition as an inner guiding compass and ideas flow naturally. Now who doesn’t want that?!

Why do most of us lose sight of the vision for our life?
Like me you’ve probably spent most of your life, going with the ‘normal’ flow. Conditioned by our parents, society expectations and cues from our environment.
Like a woman’s role at home and work. For most of us we’ve subconsciously adopted the belief that we are primary care givers and home makers.
Even if we’re fighting for equality at home and work we have this sense of duty. We’re so busy people pleasing and being all things to all people we forget our own dreams and goals.
In fact if we think back 10 years ago, where were you and can you answer honestly how did you get here now?
When we’re disconnected from our future, we start to drift. We start to underperform and as achievers and people pleasers this makes us feel even more worthless.
We’re unconsciously giving our power to the outside world. We have disempowering beliefs that we can’t do something. Instead of taking personal responsibility for what we can do.

Why does a clear vision matter?
If the ladder is against the wrong wall you will arrive at the wrong destination
Stephen Covey
When you start with the end in mind, you set out a clear intention and develop a clear vision.
Focusing on this morning and night can give you the clarity, the confidence and motivation to know that with every step you are working towards something bigger and better. And when you get better so does everything around you.
No more becoming lost in distractions and busy work. This is when you start to make real progress and a plan to make it happen.
How to develop a clear vision
The vision is first created in your mind’s eye
Everything is created twice. First you must imagine, see it, feel the emotion and believe it in your mind’s eye. Then you will start to take action, step into the person’s shoes you want to become. There’s science here in priming your brain to focus on the things you want.
There are many stories of people who have come from the most unlikely and unfortunate situations to create the very dream life they wanted. And I know with determination, the right tools and support you can too!

Your why
Need inspiration to develop your clear vision
This isn’t a ten minute exercise while dinner is cooking. This takes time and evolves. For me I had to start and become embedded in the corporate leadership world before I could see the vision I really wanted to pursue.
I had to fail at a few things first, learn what you love, what you hate. The things you can’t stop talking about and that make you light up.
And all the things that make you angry, that make you feel compelled to speak out or take action.
Despite our lack of self belief there are things that we can do easily, others find hard. Perhaps this is your calling.
Take long walks without distractions in green spaces…
Meditate, exercise and listen to your heart…
Journal it all out…
Talk to people, try courses. But whatever you do start early.
Your Vision
And finally draw out in the most incredible detail your vision for these core areas of your life:
- The vision for a Business that will work for your life
- A vision of what Financial Freedom looks like
- The vision for the perfect relationships with family & friends
- Yourself: The vision of you and your future health and wellbeing.
Please share these with me
And share this article with someone you know who also feels like they have lost their vision.
Sue x