I am always fascinated by how our self beliefs affect the way we behave and how we show up in the world. Over the years I have done a lot of work and study on my own identity. Even noticing how simple shifts in beliefs can make a powerful positive change.
Like when we identify as a leader, we naturally start to show up as the leader we hold in our minds. But with the same effects, we can tell ourselves negative identity beliefs which hold us back.
Gurus like Tony Robbins also teach how a shift in your identity can positively help you to become the best version of you.
Generalisations & Limiting Beliefs
There are often generalisations like, I’m not good at that. Or I’m just not confident. When the truth is we are all good at something. It might be the thing we ‘re passion about or spent the most time doing deliberate practice. And we are all confident in some situations.
Research has shown that where you are struggling to make a positive change. Making it part of WHO you are will give you an intrinsic reason to act this way. We go to crazy lengths to prove the identity of who we are.
We go to crazy lengths to prove our identity – even acting a certain way.
Sue Parker
A Simple Example of a Positive Identity Shift
I always use a really simple analogy to describe this which I hope helps you. When you want to start going for a run. Instead of thinking, I’m going to go for a run. Instead, start identifying yourself as a runner. If I am a runner I go for runs. I don’t procrastinate, forget my running shoes. what does a runner do differently? They might join a running club. Put their shoes by the door and a set routine to go out for a run.
You can use your identity to shape the person you want to become. It can be as simple as acting in line with that identity until it becomes a habit. You’ve heard of fake it until you make it, well it’s a variation Act it until you become it. But if you deeply believe that it’s part of your identity you will align to it.
Act it until you become it
Sue Parker
Since the bug of my first business, I’ve connected and been interested in entrepreneurship and all things related to how business. I’ve made it such a part of my identity that it drives me to learn about marketing and systems. Even to connect with other entrepreneurs and seek out people with the same mindset.
And on a personal level, I consider myself healthy, so the thought of pigging out at an all you can eat buffet makes me feel physically ill. Yet I might even like it.
In all my study of phycology I learnt a few things that will help you to define a strong identity for the best version of you:
How To Become the Best Version of Yourself
Top tips
Keep your identity lean
Keep your identity loose you can make space for reinvention and evolution.
Evolution is good
Limiting identities & beliefs
A clear identity can be part of getting clear on your values that can act as a compass. Yet sometimes anchoring to an identity too much particularly a bad or limiting one can hold you back from the positive change you need to make.
Like I am a smoker, or even I am a non-smoker still anchors to smoking. What if instead, you’re healthy, I’m a healthy person – what does a healthy person do? They don’t smoke. they might not eat too much bad food and they will probably exercise. This identity about your health and possibilities are probably the biggest ones for massive shifts in perspective.
Create your new identity
Have a go now at playing around with this.
Jot down three identity statements now that positively frame you. And then brainstorm all the ways this person behaves and try it on.
I am ……..
I am. ………
I am ……….
Share them with me @Iamsueparker
To become the best version of you everyday