5 Techniques for calming overwhelming stress

In the Moment: How to Calm Overwhelming Stress and Anxiety Right Now

There are times when you need to calm overwhelming stress that has become like an all consuming tidal wave. In the weeks where you feel like all you do is firefight, you’re not making the progress, you’re getting sucked into constant battles. These can be paralyzing as you enter flight or freeze mode, as your […]

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One Path to Success: Strategy to Achieve More by Doing Less

High Performance

Persistent Stress is the Silent Toxin in your Body

Stress Management

Mastering Decision-Making: A Powerful 7 Step Guide for ADHD Leaders

ADHD Leaders

5 Signs You Are Heading for Burnout and What to Do About it

Work Life Balance

Clear Vision- successful-female-entrepreneur-feel-like-true-self

For a business that allows you to live your dream life. A clear vision helps focus your mind on the destination and every action conscious and subconscious will find a way to help you there. On the entrepreneurial journey it can sometimes feel like walking into the unknown. Without a clear vision it’s no surprise […]

How to develop a clear vision


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One of my biggest goals is financial independence. That’s why I want to share 3 simple steps to start creating more financial freedom that led me to feel less fearful about becoming an entrepreneur. Every January I have a real focus on this. I’m sure I’m not the only one who ends the holiday season […]

3 Steps to Creating More Financial Independence

Financial Freedom

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The COVID pandemic spurred the great resignation with record numbers have been leaving their jobs. This is also being called the great quit, or the great reshuffle. Maybe you too are part of this trend or would like to leave. If this is you, you are not alone! Impact of the great resignation In fact […]

The Great Resignation & The Future of Work

Online Business

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dream life

A behind the scenes look at the Elevate Mind, High Performance Mindset C&C, The Freedom Project & becoming a Female Lifestyle Entrepreneur. Wow, it’s been a crazy ride. Through personal discovery, taking control and all that jazz. Discovering there’s a lot more opportunity out there than we let ourselves believe. To going all in on […]

The Story of Elevate Mind [and future plans]


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