Online Business

The Untold Story of Leaving 9-5 to chase an online business dream

March 10, 2025

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I'm Sue!


Build your life by design

Let's get started

Take what you know, earn more and live with purpose. 

I am an writer, speaker, trainer and founder. As a former tech leader & IT teacher turned entrepreneur, I now teach online business, strategy, mindset and financial freedom.

I write this article after reading the 100th post claiming it’s easy to run away without a salary, be your own boss, work from anywhere and earn what you want.

Read between the lines It’s another personal branding linked in or Instagram guru who will give you an audience to retire t a pool abroad, a supercar and a villa by the sea.

I wanted to layy out a real story.

Most people have commitments, mortgages, children to feed. Themselves or others to keep fed, under a roof and healthy.

I will never advocate for blindly letting go of a job without a steady income or plan for.

But the arguments are a plenty and convincing

Ra , ara motiviation – you can do it. – which you can..

The temptations of easy $10K months online – the reality.

Every story you see here took years.

And this did not work until they had clarity and consistency to do the work – to do and say yes to whatever to make it work.


How much when how to handle.

No one can tell you how much money you need to live. How much is your number.

I will share my journey as promised and you can decide how you need to make it work.

For context at the point I was leaving my full time corporate leadership career in IT, making circa 70k we had just completed renovating a house.

It was an investment project 5 years earlier. I was about to take a career break to have my third child and decided this was the year to go all in.

At this point we were due to sell the project, bank some money, invest some of it into a buy to let property and move abroad.

Ok well things didn;t work out so smoothly.

My father in law’s health deteriorated. So we decide to stay in the UK.

Visa applications already proved challenging pos Brexit,

And the buy to let lenders weren’t happy with us being expats.

So we downsized.

Here’s the thing – financially if we kept the big nice house my only option was to return to my career. Trapped forever in paying high bills, cars, and the house.
Here’s what you don;t know until you do it:

At first this felt liberating.

The pressure was off me, to go build my business

The problem

With three kids, post natel depression and imposter syndrome I couldn’t do a thing right.

The secondary problem:

Ego – a blow – a It felt so uncomfortable and embarrisng –

The kids hated their smaller rooms. The smaller garden

wE hated the tight small spaces and cramped living,

Wasging seemed to go everywhere

And environment matters there was no way to get up and feel a million dollars in this place,

What happened we apprceitae

Jealousy and judgement set in.

While everyone else was buying higher, bigger fancier.

We were scaling back.

In the believe that I could grow a meaningful business,

I was failure according to my goals and my family for 2 years – I had a FREE enetrepnreusrs community I showed up every week, I ran a podacst

The lessons : I elarnt what nattered. made mistakes had clients learnt what I loved and was good at – imposter syndrome and more

Ego resistence

The build more about yourself than any course

Lifestyle Design, Business Strategy and Mindset for solo entrepreneurs & freelancers.

Sue parker

© sue parker 2025  |  Live more, Create more, Earn more





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