Our money blocks are capable of sabotaging the best business idea. And leaving you broke. They’re also the reason why you might be reluctant to leave a 9-5.
If there is one thing that holds many of us back from taking the leap into entrepreneurship and following our passion its money.
Fact is for many of us it’s not even a true story, it’s our money blocks that create this reality. For years we’ve been conditioned to accept the safe job, that working is hard is the right thing and that time is exchanged for money.
It’s exactly this thinking that I’m still working through in my business & life right now. In this episode I wanted to debunk them. Challenge and rewrite the belief. So that you can build financial freedom and abundance.
Today we talk about 5 money blocks for financial freedom and over the Money Month of May we will cover business blockers.
5 Money Blocks
- Time = Money
- Work harder & longer for more
- Income is capped at a salary – the belief that there is only one method of income.
- Rich people are bad
- Asking for money is a taboo
Do you believe all rich people are bad, it’s about taking advantage, being greedy?
And that in order to be paid you need to put the time in? More if you want to earn more?
It’s almost like you fear the success or asking feels sleazy. Let’s face it over the years many of us have probably worked for free. I know I coached loads of female leaders without daring to ask for a cent.
But the reality is that this is an exchange, provided it’s fair and you’re living up to your commitments, clients will gladly pay for you to solve their problems.
Pop me a message and let me know your money stories and favourite gurus
Sue x