
5 Simple Time Management Habits

June 19, 2022

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I am an writer, speaker, trainer and founder. As a former tech leader & IT teacher turned entrepreneur, I now teach online business, strategy, mindset and financial freedom.

Time is one of our most limiting resources. It can be the scarcity of time that gives us anxiety or makes us feel stressed when we realise how far we are away from our goals. That’s why it’s important to develop simple easy to implement time management habits.

I had to work a lot on my productivity. Over the years this helped me to carve out time for doing a masters while being a working mum. To building a side hustle while working a demanding career and two kids under 5.  To now scaling my business and serving leaders on a much higher level.

One of the most valuable lessons you can learn is how mastering your time, is in effect mastering your life. Because most people never do. They continue to allow their time to be controlled by outside influences, like social media, online click bait and email. Caught in the busyness but failing to progress their goals.

Imagine what this time next year could look like if you could just get time management under control?

Here’s my top 5 simple habits for creating more time for a more fulfilling life and the last one will go against everything your believe today.

5 Time Management Habits to Create More Time 

1. Creative multitasking 

Without a doubt, intentional creative multitasking is the most valuable habit I have.

Not to be confused with multitasking which involves task switching with things that require the same cognitive function. This is about engaging in tasks that require totally separate parts of the brain simultaneously.

I no longer stress about finding time to read the latest books on growth, psychology or strategy. I use every single commute, solo walk and gym session to listen to audio books and my courses.

You can double up any tasks that don’t both require a conscious mind. There are so many habitual autopilot actives in a day. Like going for a run, decorating or commuting. Are an excuses to immerse in the learning and research for your goals.  

2. Wake up earlier with intention for the day

Did I just say that? Controversially not everyone is in the 5am club, and with three young kids neither am I. But if you have been hitting the snooze 6 times you might be able to raise yourself at 6am or 6:30 and find that the time to yourself is invaluable.

Research repeatedly shows that people who have a strong morning routine, avoiding distractions and getting into their desired mental space. Which means spending time alone with your thoughts and goals, is imperative to set intention for the day.

And where intention goes, energy flows.

3. Set Digital Detox Boundaries – Email Rules & more

Picture this, you immediately wake and grab your phone. Before you know it you are knee-deep in emails and messages, other peoples dramas or requests. Your needle moving tasks are now way down the list.

You spend the rest of the morning distracted, firefighting and have now opened several mental tabs each trying to flick from one problem to the other.

Zeignerick found that these mental tasks stayed open in your brain taking cognitive power until completed.

Therefore it is worth observing some strict boundaries around email or other communication that steels your time and energy.

For example

  • Email is checked twice a day 11am and 2pm (example)
  • Going online is reserved for 12am reading relevant articles/ industry news / research. With a 45 minute limit.

More strategies are discussed in Cal Newport’s book – Deep Work.

How do you handle the emails that can’t be handled quickly and stay in your mind? – I want address this is another post click here.

4. Delegate

Delegation the most resisted time management habit of all time. Why? Because we believe that no one can do something better than ourselves.

One of the most valuable skills you can learn is in transformational leadership. This defines your ability to give a clear direction of the expectation, sell the mission and them empower your team to take on the responsibility of HOW this gets done.

See article here:: Transformational leadership.  

In order to scale you have to learn how to delegate effectively. So that you can focus on strategy. Without being chained to your desk. I know many founders who keep being drawn back into the business.

This is especially true in tech, where the vision, pace of change and innovation often means leaders constantly look for direction. Now this leads to the question about who is the right person on your bus.

The right leaders and experts should be able to bring the solutions and options to the table. Be vary wary of building a ‘yes men’ team that will simply agree to everything you suggest.

When Ronke Babjide was launching her platform, she said ‘you know I just realised if it was waiting on me, it just wouldn’t happen’.

5. Do Less

One of the biggest misconceptions we have developed as a society is the idea that we must be usy doing everything all of the time.

Aside from the fact that we have all experienced a lull in the afternoon, decision fatigue, stress, a lack of creative ideas and even periods of continuous illness. We still need to accept that performance is better when we a) take regular recovery breaks and b) do less, but better.

a) Take Regular Recharge Breaks – Manage your energy

With step a) taking regular recharge breaks, can vary depending on your lifestyle.

When travelling for example I often need 1-2 days recovery. But this doesn’t mean doing nothing at all. It might mean not travelling, having long periods of restful nature walks and researching for my book.

Although it is worth noting, recovery breaks do not mean jumping online in your lunch break or swapping to a luunch meeting. All of these still deplete your brain power.

The most scientifically proven rest periods involve: Nature, walking, meditation or silence practise, journalling, sauna or relaxing with a friend. Nature features high on the scale for replenishment so perhaps combine this with all activities.

b) Do Less but Better

This is always resisted – but what if you were to critically assess everything on your to do list. Which of these tasks are true needle movers and which are part of shallow or ineffective work.

Cal Newport discuses allocated a limited portion of your work week to these shallow work tasks, which may include handling emails or booking meetings.

You may also be a serial goal creator. Or craze strategy and so each time a new ideas forms, everyone adds that to the project list.

The problem is that not all goals are created equal and not all strategies or pathways are going to get you to your goal.

Checkout the post on specifically how to define your success strategy using the one pathway method.

Conclusion: Time Management Habits

I can honestly say mastering time, your mindset, having focus and clarity will see you well on the way to building your dream life.

Master your time, master your life.

If you enjoyed reading this post and others, then join my inside email community of plateau breaking high performers.

Lifestyle Design, Business Strategy and Mindset for solo entrepreneurs & freelancers.

Sue parker

© sue parker 2025  |  Live more, Create more, Earn more





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